I’ve got a trick up my sleeve!

If I said to you “I’ve got a trick up my sleeve” you’d probably think I was trying to be sneaky. Maybe I have secret plan. Maybe I’m going to try to pull a fast one. Now that it’s pollen season in the south — that wonderful time of the year when yellow dust floats … Continue reading I’ve got a trick up my sleeve!

There’s more than one way to skin a cat

I keep a list. Written in pen on paper. Plus, I have a spreadsheet. Once I started collecting the Southern sayings, I couldn’t stop! My little list that started out with a couple of phrases scribbled on a piece of scratch paper has since grown to more than 500 colloquialisms, and I’m trying to figure … Continue reading There’s more than one way to skin a cat

If you can’t say something nice…

Mama always said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." That's why after the tragic and senseless shooting in Parkland, Florida, following the horrific violence in Las Vegas, Dallas, Orlando, San Bernadino, Colorado Springs, Chattanooga, Charleston, Washington, Newtown, Minneapolis, Oak Creek, Aurora, Oakland, Tucson, Huntsville, Columbine and countless more, today I'm … Continue reading If you can’t say something nice…

Pretty is as pretty does

Critical. Judgy. Fault-finding. Catty. All of these things are less than attractive parts of my personality. I see it. I know it. That’s why I’m giving it all up for Lent this year. Mama always said “pretty is as pretty does,” and since these are not very pretty traits, I’m kicking them to the curb...at … Continue reading Pretty is as pretty does

A Dozen Ways to Say “I Love You” — Southern Style

Wednesday is Valentine’s Day. It’s a time to profess your never ending love for your significant other. Or maybe you’re trying to woo that special someone. You might even be trying to crawl out of the dog house. Whatever the reason, love is in the air, and we’ve got to show it! Are you searching … Continue reading A Dozen Ways to Say “I Love You” — Southern Style

If it was a snake…

I am notoriously absent-minded. I leave the lights on. I leave the oven on. I misplace things. I forget things. I’ve even been known to get out of the shower without rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. Once I left the house with only one eyebrow drawn on because I got distracted while I … Continue reading If it was a snake…

Up a creek without a pot, a window, or a dog

I love to use idioms in my everyday speech. It livens things up. Makes the things you say more interesting. Catches dull people off guard. Gets an occasional laugh. And y’all know I’m all about a laugh. A few idioms that I especially like are multi-parters — you can add on to them for emphasis. … Continue reading Up a creek without a pot, a window, or a dog

Sick as a dog and other Southern sayings for when you feel like poo

A bout with a sinus infection, fever, bronchitis, and all the yuck that goes along with being sick has me thinking about Southern sayings again. I’ve definitely used several over the last few days. And as I sit here under my favorite afghan surrounded by a pile of Kleenexes (both used and not) sipping on … Continue reading Sick as a dog and other Southern sayings for when you feel like poo

Don’t beat a dead horse

Daisy Ann. That was the name of my horse. She was a bay — reddish-brown with shiny black feet, mane, and tail. She was giant. Baw* let me name her. We'd ride Daisy Ann through the woods, and Baw would pull off a branch of huckleberries for me to eat while we rode. On we'd … Continue reading Don’t beat a dead horse

I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays!

“Come here and let me hug your neck!” That’s what you’re are apt to hear in the south when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a while. Why the neck, I wonder sometimes. I guess because it’s more intimate than a shoulder hug or a side hug. Friendlier. Warmer. We southerners are social people, … Continue reading I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays!