50 Years, 50 lessons

Today is the big day — my 50th birthday! I was born on September 21, 1969. I am the same age as Sesame Street, the moon landing, and Woodstock. It was the summer of the Stonewall riots, the Manson murders, and Hurricane Camille.  Sugar, Sugar by The Archies was the No. 1 pop song, and … Continue reading 50 Years, 50 lessons

My Midlife “Crisis”

“It’s like that time when men usually buy fast cars — a midlife crisis!” That’s how Mama recently described my decision to dye my hair blue. Not all of it. Just the ends. And from blue, my hair went to a sort of mermaid aqua after I tried to strip the blue out to go … Continue reading My Midlife “Crisis”

It’s my birthday, but I ain’t no granny yet!

Did your granny rock a smokey eye? Mine either. My maternal grandmother looked like a granny. White hair. Sensible shoes. Always face powder and pink lipstick. Maybe a little rouge. Blue Grass perfume. Blue Grass smells like granny. Today I turn 49. Words like “age appropriate” and “sensible” have started creeping into my mind as … Continue reading It’s my birthday, but I ain’t no granny yet!